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Dr. Soha Salem, ND: Naturopathic Doctor

About Me

Soha Salem, ND is a licensed Naturopathic Medical Doctor with University of California, San Diego (UCSD) research background in clinical psychology. With a focus on women’s health including hormone health and mental health care. Her attention to detail and her use of evidence-based medicine will ensure the best care for her patients. She uses evidence-based modalities such as therapeutic nutrition, biofeedback, herbal medicine, and homeopathy. She offers PRP micro-needling and injections. An avid researcher and educator, she remains current on evidence-based use of naturopathic modalities. She enjoys the finer things in life, such as a great cup of coffee and morning cuddles with her children.

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Our Services


Naturopathic Medicine Visit 

​A naturopathic medicine visit consists of a 75 minute initial new patient visit. This includes a comprehensive intake that addresses all your current and past symptoms, previous diagnoses and all your patient concerns. If needed, labs will be ordered and a fully customized plan will be formulated.


PRP Microneedling

Known amongst the beauty community as the “Vampire facial” PRP microneedling involves using a medical grade microneedling pen to inject PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) below the surface of the skin causing an increase in collagen production. This is great in reducing the signs of aging as well as a treatment for acne, acne scarring and rosacea.


PRP Face Injections

Injected just below the surface of the skin, PRP Injections can help reverse the signs of aging in the skin, including eliminating or improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Best results are seen through consistency, treatments are recommended monthly for the first three to four months. For maintenance twice yearly is recommended.


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